Amateur Radio Exams
Our Testing dates for 2025:
January 18
February 15
March 15
April 19
May 17
June 21
July 19
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 20
Testing location is the Limestone County EMA 1011 W. Market St Athens, AL 35611. Located across the street from the post office.
We try to give exams most months on the 3rd Saturday at 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to come participate and help get people involved in amateur radio.
If you are a General or Extra class volunteer examiner you can help grade the exams.
For those looking to take their amateur radio exams in person, Walk ins are always welcome, but it's helpful to us to pre-register on ham study. Find the session time you are interested in taking exam and click on the green time to open link to pre-register.
Register Here

ARRL Training
ARRL Training Videos
HAM Study Practice Tests
For more Information contact KJ4DWX Stephen Ford
email: kj4dwx@yahoo.com